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Why Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) is the Hidden Gem for Women

(and Why I Try to Convince Young Fashionistas to Go Into Dentistry)

About once a month, I get a call from a girl in her 20s who’s buzzing with excitement about going into fashion. She imagines herself designing clothes, attending Fashion Week, and living a life of creativity and glamour. And I get it—I was there once, too. But here’s the thing: I usually try to convince them to become a dentist instead.

I know, I know. It sounds a bit obnoxious, but it’s actually sincere. Dentistry, after all, is known for stability, solid paychecks, and, let’s face it, people always need their teeth. Fashion, while fun, exciting, and full of glittering moments, is not exactly known for paying generously—especially if you’re starting from scratch. Sure, there are success stories, but those usually come with a healthy dose of luck and a lot of unpaid overtime.

But here’s the twist—when I say “fashion,” I’m talking about the creative side: designing clothes, styling, the dreamy stuff you see on Instagram. But fashion from a business angle? That’s a whole different ball game. There’s a smart way to make a career out of fashion or any industry, really, without giving up your life to the grind. Enter Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA).

ETA is one of the best-kept secrets for women who want to get back into the workforce, take control of their careers, and grow something sustainable—without starting from scratch.

Why ETA Works for Women

In ETA, you’re not building a business from the ground up, slaving away at endless prototypes or cold-calling potential buyers for your next runway show. Instead, you’re buying an existing business—one that’s already successful but could benefit from new energy, fresh ideas, and, yes, a woman’s touch.

Why is this so great for women? Well, for starters, it’s often a quicker path to financial stability. The business is already running, and with the right deal, you step into a leadership role with the potential to grow and shape it further. You don’t have to worry about the nerve-wracking early years of entrepreneurship when your bank account is on life support and you’re wondering if your passion project will ever turn into profit.

Plus, for women who have been out of the workforce, like many of my friends who took time off to raise kids, ETA is a chance to get back in the game without feeling like you’re starting at the bottom again. It leverages all the skills you’ve built—whether that’s managing a household, community volunteering, or past work experiences—and lets you apply them to something real, tangible, and profitable.

The Fashion Connection

Back to fashion for a moment. Fashion, when approached from the business side, has so many paths for growth that creative roles don’t typically offer. There are opportunities in wholesale, manufacturing, retail logistics, marketing, and product sourcing. And this is true across many industries. ETA allows you to buy a business in a sector you love, and then use your skills to take it to the next level.

If you're into fashion, you might find yourself running a company that makes high-end retail displays, or one that designs uniforms, or even manages the back-end logistics for a fashion brand. The excitement is still there, but with much more potential for financial growth and a work-life balance that doesn’t leave you running on fumes.

ETA: The Ultimate Rebranding

For women, especially those looking to re-enter the workforce, ETA is like the best rebrand you could ask for. You don’t have to start as an intern at 40 or go back to school for years. Instead, you get to step into a CEO role with a solid foundation already in place, ready for you to add your spark.

And what’s even better—many industries are full of small, profitable businesses led by owners who are looking to retire. They’re looking for someone to take over, and they’re more than willing to sell to someone with the right vision. That could be you. All it takes is finding the right opportunity.

So, the next time I get a call from a 20-something who wants to dive into fashion, I’ll still encourage her to consider dentistry—but I’ll also suggest she looks into ETA. It’s a path full of potential, with real financial rewards, and for the right person, it’s the best career move they never knew existed.