ETA as an RX 💊

Entrepreneurship, Twice a day, with water.

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If you’ve dabbled with the idea of search & SMB buying but haven’t made the leap, this is the post for you. Please share with anyone you think this may help.

In a recent Fortune article, a wave of peer-reviewed research has unveiled a rather astonishing truth: diving into entrepreneurship can significantly slash stress levels while boosting both physical and mental well-being. Take a moment to let that sink in. I'll wait.

We owe this eye-opening twist on the old "You must be nuts to start a business" narrative to a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. It compared (nationally representative) employees with entrepreneurs across various health indicators, and guess who came out on top? Yep, the entrepreneurs.

They notched down significantly lower blood pressure and hypertension rates, fewer trips to the hospital, and a reduced occurrence of physical and mental ailments. Well Hallelujah!

I felt validated reading this article. yes! Right there! On the page! That's me! I'm normal. Or if not normal at least normal amongst these other people who feel the same way. For me, working 12 hour days, pregnant, for little money was intoxicating. I don’t know why. People are wired differently. But having a full time job, making a great salary with predictable responsibilities drained me and emptied my proverbial bucket. Go figure. Our quirks are what make us unique. For me, it’s in my DNA to want to grapple, as Chaim Schreiber eloquently put it, "When there’s no challenge, I cannot relax." This guy was my grandfather. And a fiery entrepreneur.

When there’s no challenge, I cannot relax.

And there must be a lot of others out there who feel this way. As Charles Duhigg writes it in "Smarter, Faster, Better,"

“The choices that are most powerful in generating motivation, in other words, are decisions that do two things: They convince us we’re in control and they endow our actions with larger meaning.”

Charles Duhigg

Not such a mystery then, why those entrepreneurial souls in the study might have scored better health-wise. If Control and Meaning are the main levers for human motivation, control freaks are in fact not freaks at all, but humans tapping into an essential motivator.

As Zora Neale Hurston wrote, "There are years that ask questions, and years that answer." For me, it's been more like decades of relentless questioning, punctuated by moments of grace that feel like the answers were there all along. But in the thick of uncertainty, cultivating agency becomes not just a smart move but a lifeline for sanity in the tumult of a career journey. Translation: How do you keep it together while navigating this chaotic ride?

Nowadays, stress often goes by the alias "anxiety." Honestly, I don't see much of a difference. Here's my unpopular take: Anxiety isn't always the villain. It's like a nagging friend who's trying to tell you something important. Sure, it can be overwhelming, but if you listen closely, it might just guide you towards necessary action.

Taking positive steps transforms anxiety from foe to ally. It becomes your personal performance coach, nudging you when you need to step up or step back. Maybe not taking that action immediately is ok, but as a strategic retreat, not a surrender to escapism.

Those entrepreneurial health champs weren't just lucky; they’re in tune with their inner control freak, turning anxiety into a roadmap for success. Who knew stress could be so insightful?

Season 8 Episode 2 Nbc GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Freakers unite.

I’m very much in favor of being super honest about where the angst might lie on an entrepreneurial track. I was fortunate to be included on a call with a Wharton professor this week, and people asked him how he doesn't get squeamish about the personal guarantee necessary to take out an SBA 7a loan. (More Info on this financing option HERE) He answered that the odds are very much in your favor, because if you’ve managed to get approved for the loan and for this deal specifically, you’re most likely the leader to maintain and grow the success of the company and he’s hardly seen anyone go broke from the loan arrangement. Who knew financial risk could sound so reassuring? It felt like getting a motivational speech from my accountant. Oddly disconcerting. And yet I think we need more of it.

I guess the point is everything carries risk, so choose the ones with the best payoff and mitigate them however possible. According to the Wharton professor (and statistics, apparently), you're more likely to end up swimming in success than drowning in debt.

Again, let’s broaden our definition of entrepreneurship while we're at it, I’d love to see this term be more inclusive in the sense that not every success story needs to be rags to riches or ‘Hustle Porn.’There are plenty of entrepreneurs who planned carefully, took their time, and got excellent but not extraterrestrial results. There are other avenues, like Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition that can lead to this satisfaction without the long and windy road. (See Entrepreneurship for Chickens) #NormalizeEntrepreneurship.

BeyoncĂ© and Taylor Swift know this. (I can’t write this week and not nod to Cowboy Carter.) They didn't achieve their heights of influence and impact by relinquishing control; they seized agency over their destinies, reshaping industries and narratives along the way. BeyoncĂ©, besides her incredible music career, has also made her mark in the entrepreneurial world. She's taken her company, Parkwood Entertainment, and turned it into a media giant that includes her popular fashion line, Ivy Park. BeyoncĂ© isn't just following the crowd; she's carving out her own path, taking charge of her independence, and defining success in her unique way. "Back then, I couldn't find a company that aligned with my vision or operated the way I envisioned," she shared with Harpers Bazaar. "So, I decided to build my own badass conglomerate that could handle everything – from creative projects to managing myself."  

So next time someone tells you that being an entrepreneur is crazy, just smile and nod. Because maybe, just maybe, the real craziness is not taking control of your own destiny in a world full of possibilities. Or as Beyonce says, "Hey, I woke up like this, flawless."



đŸ’Œ Start with you. Always be selling. HERE are five actions to make sellers, investors and brokers swipe right on you.

📚 What I’m reading/doing/eating/buying

  • I'm reading: This Piece from NYT

  • Watching: Palm Royale  Guilty pleasures and ‘70s fashion. Like junk food for the eyes.

  • Drinking This coffee which is supposedly better for digestion, concentration and more even energy levels. Not sure if I’m feeling the difference or just believing I’m feeling the difference!?

  •  Where I’m hanging out: Planning to attend the New York Search Fund & SMB Community Happy Hour Please yell if you’re going to be there too!