Law of Conservation of Energy

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The law in physics of conservation of energy states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. In physics, energy is defined as the capacity to do work. Let’s talk about doing work.

This past week led me from Philadelphia, through London, Manhattan, and back. But let’s begin on a chilly morning in Nazi-occupied Vienna, where Sara stepped out onto the treacherous streets, the crunch of shattered glass a grim reminder of the world she inhabited. Clutching a bag of corsellettes (smaller, softer, custom made corsets) for her clients, she wore a determined expression, expertly camouflaging her harried eyes with a touch of rouge, a luxury that was as scarce in those times as a friendly Nazi.

Thursday had arrived, but it bore little resemblance to its predecessors. The world had undergone an irrevocable shift overnight, a night that would become known as Kristallnacht, leaving Sara no choice but to brave the deserted streets, her family’s survival resting heavily on her slender shoulders. At a mere fifteen years old, she found herself thrust into the role of breadwinner for a household of seven, an overwhelming responsibility even for the most seasoned adults.

Her journey, fraught with peril and determination, resonates as a microcosm of the larger struggle faced by countless individuals during that harrowing time. Sara of course, is my grandmother. She remembers all this, of course she does. She drew her corset pattern pieces on card from memory for me, fussing over smoothing out the curves and seam-allowance just so, and letting me know where the whalebone would be inserted. That is energy looking to be transferred- to a new host-In case I’d ever need to pass this information forward. I thank God whalebone is nowhere to be found anymore and we can all literally and figuratively, breath a little more easy. 🐳

Visiting a Canary Wharf museum, I paid homage to a generation of individuals like Sara who rebuilt thriving businesses, often starting with nothing but determination and skill. They had already run for factories for generations, but the succession and continuity had been severed by death, relocation and having their basic rights and possessions stolen.

Walking through the exhibit, I felt a connection to each story, each business representing a piece of my heritage. These ventures weren’t just about making money; they were about reclaiming dignity, finding purpose, and creating a better future. Some succeeded beyond measure, while others faded into obscurity. Walking through the exhibit, I couldn’t help but marvel at the resilience and ingenuity of these craftsmen and women who turned adversity into artistry and commerce, much like my grandmother did in her own way. But mostly what I saw were isolated systems looking for a place to move their energy to.

The Lehman Trilogy, with its sprawling saga of business through the ages, serves as a poignant reminder of how fortunes can shift and evolve. The 164-year-long saga story unfolds in three parts: Montgomery, New York from the end of the Civl War until the 1929 Stock Market Crash, and the Thirties until the firm’s spectacular demise in 2008 in the subprime unsecured mortgage crisis.

The Lehman brothers produced and nurtured heirs until the company split and grew and ultimately and spectacularly crashed. Act three in the play is titled ‘Babel.’ It shows how computers solved for a common language to unify a world becoming closer through trade and globalization. For the British Immigrants, their craft and their business became their home. They didn’t speak the language but everyone speaks sharp tailoring. It’s universally admired and desired. Maybe that’s why I love the language of Fashion. It passes between strangers. And for Downtrodden Jews, it was an immediate way to rise to the top. I come back to fashion again and again because of this power. Because it is the most immediate tool for self invention.

Succession, as I’ve come to realize, is the lifeblood of these endeavors. It’s not just about passing down a name or a legacy; It’s about conserving energy, really. Avoiding the enormous momentum required to get through the start up years and offering transference for the buzzing entity to keep up its driving force. In its purest form, it’s an avoidance of waste. The exhibit at Fashion city showcased orphaned founders, bereft owners and everywhere stunted legacy. The Lehman trilogy shoes the momentum of a ball left in play.

What I find fascinating about entrepreneurship through acquisition is its ability to solve this heartache. It provides a lifeline for orphaned entrepreneurs who seek to acquire a legacy, breathe new life into it, and steer it toward continued success. It’s a vehicle where you can skip cracking the code of the ever-evolving market landscape and make better what’s already there. Much like with adoption, owners can select their successors from outside of their family, but unlike adoption, this goes both ways.

let’s pivot to a rainy April day in midtown Manhattan, where I’m sharing an umbrella with Judith Weller’s sculpture, "Garment Worker," The figure, hunched over a hand-operated sewing machine, wears his yarmulke, and focuses on the task at hand.

Me: You know, you're like my wise old grandparents. Except, you criticize my hair a less... which, I must admit, is a bit of a relief sometimes.

Sculpture: (Silent, but conveying a sense of camaraderie)

Me: So, what's the secret to enduring through the storm, huh? Is it resilience, sheer determination, or just a really good raincoat?

He doesn’t answer. He’s busy. The rain is pelting. He can’t give me the answers but he can set an example of focussing on making something beautiful even as people bustle all around you. Maybe call you names. Maybe don’t see you there.

Finally back in Philly. I see this sign while parking downtown today. Siegmund Lubin, technical genius… began his empire… bankrupt… died in obscurity. I feel crestfallen how these compact words can summarize what I’m sure was an odyssey of a life. And I wonder how proper succession could have helped avoid that outcome.



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