LOI, the balcony scene.

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It is fair to assume that a deal person needs to do deals. That means moving through cold feet, nerves, misunderstandings and spooked sellers. Today I’m sharing my interview with Soraya Alden, certified Deal Person. In our interview, we covered her love for the diligence dance, and how to bob and weave your way to close.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 I am a deal person. And what does that mean? It's like. What do I bring up and when and how do I bring it up? And they came back with this. So what should I come back with? And, LOIs and pricing and potentially retrading, like, what do I kind of think is the right path here given your goals and given your risk tolerance?

Soraya Alden

Finally, after months of meticulous research, negotiations, and sleepless nights, I've signed my Letter of Intent (LOI) and am assembling a team to get this deal over the finish line. As I step into diligence, I keep thinking of a line from Romeo and Juliet: “I’ll look to like, if looking, liking move.” This encapsulates the essence of any courtship, romantic or transactional. It's about not just seeking, but looking with the intention of finding.

romeo and juliet baroness GIF

Just for fun then, picture Romeo as our eager searcher, enchanted by the allure of Juliet's business—a flourishing enterprise with promise and potential. Juliet, the shrewd seller, is captivated by Romeo's enthusiasm and vision for taking her business to new heights. A match made in acquisition heaven, right? Not quite.

The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet stemmed from rash decisions, impulsive actions, and a failure to heed caution. Similarly, in the acquisition realm, haste can lead to heartache. Let's dissect how a strategic approach, backed by due diligence, could have rewritten their fate and translated it into a successful acquisition story:

1. Start with Strategic Due Diligence:

Romeo's infatuation with Juliet's business blinded him to potential pitfalls. Had he conducted thorough due diligence—examining financials, market trends, and operational efficiencies—he could have uncovered hidden risks and made informed decisions.

As Juliet lamented, "Wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast." Indeed, a measured approach to due diligence prevents stumbling into unforeseen challenges and paves the way for a smoother courtship.

2. Craft a Comprehensive Courtship Checklist:

Just as Romeo meticulously courted Juliet with poetic flair, a structured checklist guides the acquisition courtship. Define key milestones, clarify expectations, and align strategies for post-acquisition integration. Communication and alignment are the pillars of a successful courtship-turned-acquisition.

3. Build an Expert Ensemble:

In Juliet's world, wise counsel came from the Nurse and Friar Lawrence. Similarly, Romeo—our aspiring searcher—should enlist seasoned advisors. Legal experts, financial wizards, and industry veterans bring wisdom and insight, steering the courtship towards a mutually beneficial outcome.

4. Prepare for the Balcony Scene and Beyond:

The iconic balcony scene symbolizes hope, passion, and a shared vision. Yet, beyond the romance lies the reality of post-acquisition integration. Romeo and Juliet, blinded by love, neglected the practicalities. A strategic approach anticipates challenges, plans for contingencies, and ensures a harmonious transition post-acquisition.

5. Communicate with Clarity and Confidence:

Miscommunication fueled the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In the acquisition realm, transparency and effective communication are non-negotiable. Clearly articulate intentions, address concerns openly, and foster trust throughout the courtship process.

Rash decisions, impulsive actions, and a lack of strategic foresight can spell disaster. By embracing a strategic approach—anchored in due diligence, structured planning, and effective communication—searchers and sellers can script a successful acquisition narrative.

As Shakespeare wisely observed, "It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden" ⛵ Similarly, the path to acquisition success requires diligence, patience, and a strategic mindset. Diligence guiding aspiring acquirers towards prosperous courtships and enduring business partnerships.